World-renowned choreographer, Bill Goodson collaborated with iconic artists such as: Michael Jackson, Diana Ross, Paula Abdul, Stevie Wonder, Gloria Estefan. He worked for the Grammy Awards and in movies such as ‘’Electric Boogaloo ‘’and ‘’ Jewel of the Nile’’.
He is the choreographer for the famous Moulin Rouge in Paris.
In Italy he is the choreographer for popular TV shows and for several theatre productions and he has worked with famous artists such as Giorgio Panariello, Lucio Dalla, Sabrina Ferilli, Pippo Baudo, Paola Barale, Maria De Filippi, Piero Chiambretti, Michelle Hunziker, Enrico Brignano and Renato Zero.
TV – VIDEO – FILM: Michael Jackson, Diane Ross, Paula Abdul, Stevie Wonder, Gloria Estefan, The Jaksons, Grammy Awards, Electric Boogaloo Break’n Il, Jewel of the Nile, Back to School
LAS VEGAS: Casears Palace – Diana Rose Live, Desert Inn – Show Stoppers, Venetian – Main Event, Rieviera – Splash I, II, Stardust – Head Lights n Tailpipes
THEATRE – CINEMA – MUSICALS: Moulin Rouge: Formidable – Feerie, GB Show ( ed. 7-8 ): Gino Bramieri Sistina Anna e i Cinque: Sabrina Ferilli Hairspray: PeepArrow Prod, La Cage Aux Folles: E. Iacchetti e M. Columbro, Full Monty: PeepArrow Prod, Mi Scappa da Ridere: Michelle Hunziker, Tutto Suo Padre: Enrico Brignano
RENATO ZERO TOURS: Cattura il Sogno 2005 Il Sogno Continua 2005, MP Zero 2007 Amo Tour 2013
TELEVISION: Torno Sabato (ed. 2-3): Giorgio Panariello (Rai 1), La Bella e la Bestia: Lucio Dalla e Sabrina Ferilli (Rai 1), Numero Uno: Pippo Baudo e Paola Barale (Rai 1), Il Ballo delle Debuttanti: Rita Dalla Chiesa (Mediaset), Amici: Maria De Filippi (Mediaset), Chiambretti Night: Piero Chiambretti (Mediaset), Panariello Non Esiste: Giorgio Panariello (Mediaset).