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DanceMIX w/ Tyce Diorio and Krista Saab VOL II

Original price was: $19.95.Current price is: $9.95.


DANCE MIX, the sister DVD to HOPSDance VOl I,  is a unique dance instructional program that incorporates creative staging as a road-map for learning. If you have ever played any dance platform games or want to learn to dance, you may notice one thing is missing…. LIVE INSTRUCTION. This is where DANCE MIX is unique. You receive LIVE dance instruction to help you better understand and learn the fundamental basics of dance! Ideal for the beginner dancer and a great tool for teaching kids, DANCE MIX will introduce you to different styles in a way that’s fun, creative and easy to grasp.

Tyce Diorio and Krista Saab will take you through combinations in Jazz, Hip Hop, Theatre and Latin Dance using the mats in various formations to help guide the steps and teach you spatial awareness. Learn from them and then challenge yourself to be the choreographer! You have the freedom to place the mats in many different formations and create patterns that are visually breath-taking. Great for large group numbers!

DANCE MIX is a fun and energetic program that gets your heart-rate up and your body moving in an innovative new way.

As per Tyce and Krista’s instruction on the DVD, you can:

1. Use a HOPSports mat
2. Tape your floor in the configuration of the mats or even just make X’s on your floor
3. Learn and perform the Choreography without the boundaries of the mat.

(NOTE! All the choreography can be learned and performed without the HOPSports Mats as well!)

To purchase the HOPSports Mat please contact us at or call +1-212-582-1090.
